Friday, February 17 2012

I rode Magic this morning. I brought some ground poles to the barnyard. We lunged over them. He had no problems with the poles. We rode some in the arena. Today it felt like we are making progress. A good feeling. We rode around the Oak pasture. A good ride.

Do they ring a bell at the race track? Like at the starting gate?

I was in the garage this morning and heard a horse running. Little More came flying through the yard, across the driveway, running hard all the way to the barn. Little More is a “warhorse”, a retired Thoroughbred that ran 54 races winning $120,000. I’ve had him 5 years. He is a wonderful horse. He is not sound, dropping his off hip at the trot. But he is always laid back, relaxed, taking care of himself. Some days, like today, he does not want to go to the pasture with the other horses and I just let him have the run of the place. He likes to graze in the Oak pasture through two open gates and the yard away from the barn. I could not figure out why he was running. He is healthy and often feels his oats but it looked like he ran too hard and too far just to be expressing exuberance. It looked like he was spooked but that is very unusual for him. And I saw nothing. Then I remembered that I had just rung a bell, an old school bell that I am fixing up as a door bell. It is a big bell. Maybe I should not install this “door bell” if it will upset my horses, I have several OTTB’s, every time somebody comes to the house and rings the bell. BTY, all is well, Little More did not injure himself.