Friday, June 16 2011

Lunged Magic in front of the barn. He was able to trot the three poles and adjust his stride as necessary. I rode him to the arena where we rode the exercises. Magic is doing good. Sometimes I feel he is bending right and we have good cooperation and harmony and sometimes he sticks his head to the outside and falls out at the shoulder. I am not looking at this as a problem rather that we just need to keep on working and it will get better. We started the canter down the center line. He took the left lead again. We cantered a round in the arena and a couple of rounds on the circle. On the circle the first round he needed to go wide but the second round he was able to get it together and canter an accurate circle. It felt good. We rode the trail around the Oak pasture. I asked him to cross the spillway with running water. He was hesitant at first and stopped. He recognized that I wanted him to cross although it he did not want to. Then he walked across the spillway just like the good horse he is. As we crossed the dam, I decided to dismount to avoid a potential problem. We were walking immediately next to the water lillies and willows and there are a lot of bullfrogs this year. There was the distinct possibility of a bullfrog sitting on the bank and croaking and splash, splash, splash just like the Jesus lizard except louder. We avoided that problem. We went to look at the cows but they were all laying down resting so we missed working the cows this morning. It was a good ride.