Saturday, April 2 2011

Groomed and rode Newt out on the arena. I led him out there. I graze some cows for my neighbor and they came yesterday afternoon. I was concerned how they might react to each other but the cows were so happy and content to be on good pasture that they never got up. And they were a ways off so I don’t know that Newt was aware that they were in the pasture. I rode Tut over to JD Adam’s pasture one day. JD has lots of Scissortail Flycatchers. Tut was hot blooded and full of himself when 50 black cows came over the hill. Tut had never been in the pasture with that many cows and they had never had a horse in the pasture. All 51 of them stuck their tails straight up in the air and snorted at each other. The cows thought the best thing to do was to run flat out and circle me and Tut. Tut thought the best thing to do was fly out of there. But he listened to me and we came out of that pasture at a reasonable speed. Tut showed better behavior than I did judgement that day. I do not trust Newt that much yet but we are building trust. Newt did good in the arena. He was so relaxed that he even seemed a little bored. I like a horse to pay attention and be eager to go. I will probably start him on riding the trails to see if that will stir up his interest. After I opened and shut the gate, I rode Newt back to the barn. First time. He did good. Even a little too relaxed.

Glory was like that at one time in her training. Bored. She got over it and is a pretty lively ride. I would be riding her also except she is too wide for my comfort.

Magic showed some hesitation at the trailer. I encouraged him a little and he loaded. We’re getting there.